Allan Shedlin, Jr., Parenting Coach
Archive for September, 2005
273. Eating Disorders
Michael Strober, Ph.D. Director, Eating Disorders Program and Adolescent Mood Disorders Program, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital; Author, Just a Little Too Thin: How to Pull Your Child Back from the Brink of an Eating Disorder
272. Adoptive Parenting
Virginia E. Hayes Williams, mother of nine, including Anthony Williams, Mayor of Washington, DC (an adoptee)
271. Toddlers and Media
Dorothy G. Singer, Ph.D., developmental psychologist, Senior Research Scientist, Psychology Department, Yale University, and Co-Director, with Jerome L. Singer, Family Television Research and Consultation Center
270. Bad Language
Stanley Fagen, Ph.D., clinical child psychologist
269. Music for Learning
Jane Schoenberg and Steven Schoenberg, authors, My Bodyworks: Songs About Your Bones, Muscles, Heart, and More