Archive for December, 2009

421. Critical Thinking and the Media

Steve Luxenberg, associate editor, The Washington Post, newspaper editor and reporter

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Encourage school activities that can foster critical thinking skills –
like mock trial, debate, school newspaper…
Bring people in to the schools to foster critical thinking – speakers for students to hear and hold discussions with…
Parents need to be involved in their children’s schools.
Learn to use it – and try “Proquest” – a method of accessing the library via computer.

420. Long Distance Connections with Family

Allan Shedlin, Founder and President of Reel Fathers, freelance writer, educator, parenting coach, and National educational consultant

Listen to podcast


Allan Shedline email asheldin at

Use google or some other search engine to look up:
            Grandparenting, distant dads, staying in touch and so forth
Magazines – Family Fun, Grandparents

ZERO TO THREE’s Resources for Military Families

Coping With Deployments Over the Holidays