Dr. Ronald Uscinski, neurosurgeon, George Washington University School of Medicine and Georgetown University Medical School
Archive for June, 2011
484. What Teachers Need from Parents
Sharon Monde, Principal, Thomas Jefferson Middle School, Arlington, VA, and Susan Holland, Director of Counseling Services, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
First – turn to the counseling department in your school – they will have additional resources to suggest.
PTA President should be another good resource to ask.
Does your school system have a parent resource center? Many do – ask!
Sometimes support groups form within schools or systems; inquire about.
In Arlington, VA, schools hold “Parent Chats” – not held in the school building, bringing the teacher(s) into the community and less formal situations for parents’ access. Good suggestion for YOUR school to sponsor!
Bilingual access – be sure your community offers bilingual access for families who are not fluent in English – ALL community constituents need access to be able to participate. Speak up in their behalf.
483. Tutoring
Ann Dolin, Founder, Educational Connections, Inc.
Department of Education parents website
ectutoring.com – click on resources link
481. The Importance of Dance and Movement for Children
Liz Lerman, Founding Artistic Director, The Dance Exchange
Look for classes for all ages – online, search for, for example, “dance for children”
Go WATCH before enrolling a child, or view videotapes if available.
Think about what kind of environment you want for your child in this setting – How much nurture, how much rigor?
Web site for The Dance Exchange: